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Retrieve specific elements from an ALE object.



ALE object from which to retrieve elements.

x_cols, exclude_cols

character, list, or formula. Columns names and interaction terms from obj requested in one of the special x_cols formats. The default value of NULL for x_cols retrieves all available data of the output requested in what. See details in the documentation for resolve_x_cols().


character(1). What kind of output is requested. Must be one (and only one) of c('ale', 'boot_data'). Default is 'ale'. If stats is specified and what = 'ale', then ALE statistics are retrieved. Otherwise, get() errors if stats is specified and what has some other value.


not used. Inserted to require explicit naming of subsequent arguments.


character(1). Retrieve statistics. If stats is specified, then what must be 'ale'. See the return value details below for valid values for stats.


character. Optional category names to retrieve if the ALE is for a categorical y outcome model.


logical(1). If TRUE (default), the results will be simplified to the simplest structure possible to give the requested results.


See documentation for resolve_x_cols()


Regardless of the requested data, all get.ALE() have a common structure:

  • If more than one category of the y outcome is returned, then the top level is a list named by each category. However, the y outcome is not categorical or only one category of multiple possibilities is specified using the cats argument, then the top level never has categories, regardless of the value of simplify.

  • The next level (or top level if there are zero or one category) is a list with one or two levels:

    • d1: 1D ALE elements.

    • d2: 2D ALE elements. However, if elements of only one dimension (either 1D or 2D) are requested and simplify = TRUE (default), the empty list is eliminated and the level is skipped to provide only the elements present. For example, if only 1D ALE data is requested, then there will be no d1 sublist but only a list of the ALE data as described for the next level. If simplify = FALSE, both d1 and d2 sublists will always be returned; the empty sublist will be NULL.

  • For the d1 sublist, there is no further hierarchy: the returned data is as described below. For the d2 sublist representing var1 by var2 interactions, the next level is a named list of all var1 elements. This level in turn consists of a named list of var2 elements with the actual data as described below. For example, for ALE data, result <- get(obj, list(d1 = "var1", d2 = list(c("var1", "var2")))) would return result as a list where the 1D ALE data is in result$d1$var1 and the 2D ALE data in result$d2$var1$var2.

While all results follow the general structure just described, the specific type of data returned depends on the values of the what and stats arguments:

what = 'ale' (default) and stats = NULL (default)

A list whose elements, named by each requested x variable, are each a tibble. The rows each represent one ALE bin. The tibble has the following columns: * var.bin or var.ceil where var is the name of a variable (column): For non-numeric x, var.bin is the value of each of the ALE categories. For numeric x, var.ceil is the value of the upper bound (ceiling) of each ALE bin. The first "bin" of numeric variables represents the minimum value. For 2D ALE with an var1 by var2 interaction, both var1.bin and var2.bin columns are returned (or var1.ceil or var2.ceilfor numeric var1 or var2). * .n: the number of rows of data in each bin represented by var.bin or var.ceil. For numeric x, the first bin contains all data elements that have exactly the minimum value of x. This is often 1, but might be more than 1 if more than one data element has exactly the minimum value. * .y: the ALE function value calculated for that bin. For bootstrapped ALE, this is the same as .y_mean by default or .y_median if boot_centre = 'median'. Regardless, both .y_mean and .y_median are returned as columns here. * .y_lo, .y_hi: the lower and upper confidence intervals, respectively, for the bootstrapped .y value based on the boot_alpha argument in the ALE() constructor.

what = 'boot_data' and stats = NULL (default)

A list whose elements, named by each requested x variable, are each a tibble. These are the data from which .y_mean, .y_median, .y_lo, and .y_hi are summarized when what = 'ale'. The rows each represent one ALE bin for a specified bootstrap iteration. The tibble has the following columns: * .it: The bootstrap iteration. Iteration 0 represents the ALE calculations on the full dataset; the remaining values of .it are from 1 to boot_it (number of bootstrap iterations specified in the ALE() constructor. * var where var is the name of a variable (column): For non-numeric x, var is the value of each of the ALE categories. For numeric x, var is the value of the upper bound (ceiling) of each ALE bin. They are otherwise similar to their meanings described for what = 'ale' above. * .n and .y: Same as for what = 'ale'.

what = 'ale' (default) and stats = 'estimate'

A list with elements d1 and d2 with the value of each ALE statistic. Each row represents one variable or interaction. The tibble has the following columns: * term or term1 and term2: The variable or column for the 1D (term) or 2D (term1 by term2) ALE statistic. * aled, aler_min, aler_max, naled, naler_min, naler_max: the respective ALE statistic for the variable or interaction.

what = 'ale' (default) and stats is one value in c('aled', 'aler_min', 'aler_max', 'naled', 'naler_min', 'naler_max')

A list with elements d1 and d2 with the distribution value of the single requested ALE statistic. Each element d1 and d2 is a tibble. Each row represents one variable or interaction. The tibble has the following columns: * term or term1 and term2: Same as for stats = 'estimate'. * estimate, mean, median: The average of the bootstrapped value of the requested statistic. estimate is equal to either mean or median depending on the boot_centre argument in the ALE() constructor. If ALE is not bootstrapped, then estimate, mean, and median are equal. * conf.low, conf.high: the lower and upper confidence intervals, respectively, for the bootstrapped statistic based on the boot_alpha argument in the ALE() constructor. If ALE is not bootstrapped, then estimate, conf.low, and conf.high are equal.

what = 'ale' (default) and stats = 'all'

A list with elements d1 and d2 with the distribution values of all available ALE statistics for the requested variables and interactions. Whereas the stats = 'aled' (for example) format returns data for a single statistic, stats = 'all' returns all statistics for the requested variables. Each element is a list with the requested d1 and d2 sub-elements as described in the general structure above. Each data element is a tibble. Each row represents one ALE statistic. The tibble has the following columns: * term or term1 and term2: Same as for stats = 'estimate'. * estimate, mean, median: Same as above for individual ALE statistics. * conf.low, conf.high: Same as above for individual ALE statistics.

what = 'ale' (default) and stats = 'conf_regions'

A list with elements d1 and d2 with the confidence regions for the requested variables and interactions. Each element is a list with the requested d1 and d2 sub-elements as described in the general structure above. Each data element is a tibble with confidence regions for a single variable or interaction. For an explanation of the columns, see vignette('ale-statistics').

what = 'ale' (default) and stats = 'conf_sig'

A list with elements d1 and d2 filtered for the statistically significant confidence regions for the requested variables and interactions. Each element is a tibble. Each row is a single statistically significant confidence region. If there are no statistically significant confidence regions at all, an empty tibble is returned. For an explanation of the columns, see vignette('ale-statistics').


# See examples at ALE() for a demonstration us the get() method.